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Softball Dirt Clinic

Today was my mandatory dirt clinic for softball at Parkway Central High School. The scrimmage was an intrasquad game. There were about 14 of us that showed up -- it was mandatory for all new (less than 3 years with GSLAU) umpires to attend this week or next week.

We started with some brief reminders while the team was warming up and the field was prepped. After that, we split into two groups: plate and bases. I chose bases.

Many would say it's due to laziness, but that's far from the truth. In reality, the base umpire has a lot more to worry about, and the mechanics for softball are vastly different than baseball. On the other hand, the plate umpire's duties are essentially the same as baseball: call balls/strikes, cover (almost) all fly balls, and cover third when mechanics stipulate. Because of this, I chose bases to make sure I get some experience before the season starts.

I was 5th or 6th in line. I'm paying as much attention as I can to the instructors and watching the umpires to learn as much as I can. We each get a half-inning, possibly less if it's taking a while. Finally, my time arrives. I get into position. Ground ball to the infield -- one out. The instructor puts someone else in to show me how my position to watch the play was bad. (Aside: It's not bad -- it's just not what he wanted. No change.) During this brief talk, another out occurs. I take the line again. Another ground ball -- three outs.

Essentially, I got to do nothing. No practice with cutting to the inside, leading a stealing runner, or even signals with my fellow umpire. Nothing.

I suit up for the plate. When I return to the field, I hear that the team will only play 6 innings. I count -- I would be umpire for the top of the 7th. I stand in my gear, hoping someone decides not to take their turn. No luck.

My dirt clinic amounted to very little personal training. However, I did learn a lot watching the other umpires and listening to the instructors. It also gave me a good indication on how fast the game is (very!) and a chance to see the differences in the game (a lot!). Overall, a great day.

The season starts the 24th. I won't get a game until the 26th due to being out of town. Hopefully, I'll be able to watch another game before I hit the field for my first one -- it really helped for baseball.


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